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Product details
File Size: 22407 KB
Print Length: 704 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 5 edition (May 6, 2011)
Publication Date: May 6, 2011
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,637,521 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I recently purchased this textbook to serve as a refresher for undergraduate analytical chemistry and to supplement my job specific training as a chemical technician. The text covers a wide variety of topics and includes some material not normally covered in undergraduate analytical coursework. Overall, this text is a useful resource; however, there are some issues that should have been resolved by now, considering this text is in its fifth edition of print. After reading through two chapters, here are the errors that standout to me: (1) There are many grammatical errors and sentence structure mistakes. (2) Some common cations in the "Inorganic Chemistry Review" are named incorrectly, and (3) There are also some mislabeled cyclic hydrocarbons in the "Organic Chemistry Review" chapter.I have only read through two chapters of this text thus far. Assuming there are no fundamental theory inaccuracies, I would still recommend this book to anyone who plans to work in the pharmaceutical or biotech industries. The topics covered in the first 8 chapters of this book are not generally covered in undergraduate coursework, or are often covered with minimal application. Although this training is typically provided by your employer, exposure to this material would serve as an advantage, especially in today's ever changing and competitive market.
This is a must have book for a quick reference in a laboratory of Chemistry. It explains in detail techniques very important to carry out, classification of chemicals, I just can not make do without it. Work in a laboratory of Chemistry, especially in high school level and upper, implies the use of a variety of equipments. This book makes it easy!
an absolute must, even for seasoned chemists
I refer to this on a weekly basis in my lab. Highly recommended.
Great reference of a general industrial laboratory. Easy to use and provides a good 'refresher' for general chemistry information. Ready reference is a good description!
It is a basic handbook for Technicians there some interesting tidbits and tables but not enough details oriented for my personal/research use in GC/MS Referencing or solvent compatibilities. Needs up to date reference tables for water, waste water pollution sampling and preservation techniques.
Contains a lot of good practical information and a good addition to any chemistry library. Not perfect however, some information is incomplete or a little dated. Calomel reference electrodes are mentioned but not Ag/AgCl for example.
A safety & good lab practice guidebook that all laboratories should have. Content on Technical skills & good housekeeping are invaluable.